mercoledì 25 aprile 2018

Vozandes Media - HCJB 6050 kHz è altri ascolti SW

Anker Petersen in visita al trasmettitore di HCJB (ora Vozandes Media) in Ecuador nel 1996
Dear DX-friends, aAfter a couple of days with brilliant summerweather here in Denmark, here are my latest loggings on the AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire. Best 73, Anker Petersen

4774.94 0125-0155 17.4 PRU R Tarma, Tarma Spanish talk celebrating the 60 years Jubilee of R Tarma 15131 AP-DNK

4800.01 0055-0100 24.4 IND AIR, Hyderabad Telegu ann, Indian songs 35233 AP-DNK

4840.00 0105-0110 24.4 USA WWCR, Nashville, TN English religious talk 35333 AP-DNK

4885.03 0155-0200 17.4 B R Clube do Pará, Belém, PA Excited football report in Portuguese by two men 35333 AP-DNK

4920.00 0110-0115 24.4 IND AIR, Chennai English talk 25232 AP-DNK

5025.00 0115-0120 24.4 CUB R Rebelde, Bauta Spanish report from an event, ID, - CWQRM from 5022.5 33333 Best in USB AP-DNK

5040.00 0120-0125 24.4 CUB R Habana Cuba, Bauta Creole ann, Cuban song 35233 // 6060 (35433) AP-DNK

5129.87 0125-0130 24.4 USA WBCQ, Monticello, Maine English ann, hymns 25232 AP-DNK

5939.74 0135-0140 24.4 B Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, SC Portuguese animated talk 25333 AP-DNK

6050.00 0140-0145 24.4 EQA Vozandes Media - HCJB, Pichincha Quechua religious talk, Andean music 25232 AP-DNK

6134.83 0150-0155 24.4 BOL R Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra Spanish talk 25333 AP-DNK

7205.00 0440-0445 17.4 SDN R Omdurman, Al-Aitahab Arabic ann and songs 35232 AP-DNK
The airport in Quito with the active volcano Pichincha in the background, where the present Vozandes Media (HCJB) transmitter is located